Leader in the high-quality frozen products market, Findus expressed the need to engage consumers and retailers in its sustainability strategy “Fish For Good, for the future of the oceans”, thanks to the activation of a large-scale environmental project.
Leader in the high-quality frozen products market, Findus expressed the need to engage consumers and retailers in its sustainability strategy “Fish For Good, for the future of the oceans”, thanks to the activation of a large-scale environmental project.
Abbiamo facilitato la creazione di una partnership tra imprese leader di industria e distribuzione nel nome della sostenibilità e della lotta contro la plastica monouso e la dispersione dei rifiuti plastici: nell’ambito del programma «Fish For Good», Findus si è unita a Coop Italia nella campagna «Un mare di idee per le nostre acque» aderendo al progetto LifeGate PlasticLess e organizzando un concorso a premi nei punti vendita di Coop Italia per coinvolgere direttamente i consumatori.
Un po' di numeri:
- raccolti oltre 7.500 kg di rifiuti, incluse plastiche e microplastiche;
- attivate due promozioni consumer nei punti vendita di Coop Italia;
- organizzate due conferenze stampa con invio semestrale di comunicati stampa regionali di lancio e ongoing.
The activity We facilitated the creation of a partnership between industry and distribution leaders in the name of sustainability and the fight against single-use plastic and plastic waste dispersion: as part of the “Fish For Good” program, Findus joined Coop Italia in the “A sea of ideas for our waters” campaign by joining the LifeGate PlasticLess project and organizing a prize competition in Coop Italia’s sales points to directly involve consumers.
Some numbers:
- over 11,500 kg of waste collected, including plastics and microplastics;
- two consumer promotions in Coop Italia’s sales points activated;
- two press conferences organized with biannual regional press release launches and ongoing
Our impact as told by our clients
How to make your environmental commitment tangible and make packaging a sustainable communication vehicle?
How to make your commitment concrete and characterize marketing operations?
How to team up to give more impact and resonance to your environmental projects?
How to develop environmental projects consistent with brand positioning?