​​We are partners for brands seeking to transform, innovate, and grow their business.

​We believe that the success of brands cannot be separated from a commitment to sustainability, making it a competitive advantage and a lasting asset for generating ideas that foster a unique connection with their target audience.


​The definition of the Sustainable Brand Ambition represents the starting point, arising from the intersection of an analysis of the organization's identity, communication channels, the competitive landscape, key category insights, and target audience perspectives in relation to sustainability topics.


​This involves defining the communication concept and creative strategy, which serve as the coherent output of the Sustainable Brand Ambition process. 
It organizes content, tools, and channels based on stakeholders and communication targets.
Given the complexity and risks of sustainability communication, this phase considers all elements that could lead to potential crises and establishes clear guidelines. 
Communication objectives are defined, along with the supporting messages. Risks and benefits are evaluated, communication channels are identified, and the desired customer experiences are outlined.


​We create high-quality content for brands to establish a strong connection with their target audience, enhance their reputation, and position the brand as a thought leader and value-driven pioneer in their industry.


Editorial Content

​Our editorial team, composed of professional journalists and digital content creators, produces SEO-oriented content daily to cover current events and sustainability in its many facets, tailoring the content to specific needs.



​We create video formats ranging from branded content to documentaries, journalistic reports, deep dives, custom projects, and social media formats. Our custom studio combines creativity, storytelling expertise, directing, and editing skills with journalistic competence to deliver content with depth and credibility.


Content management

​Creativity and content are the pillars of our storytelling
Whenever we are asked to explore a specific topic or dive deep into a subject, our creative team collaborates closely with the video production team to transform it into a compelling story.


​We engage with over 5 million people—a milestone made possible by more than 25 years of dedication. Our community of readers values the distinctive and, in many ways, unique approach we take to addressing key sustainability topics through in-depth analyses that often don’t receive adequate coverage in mainstream media.


LifeGate Daily

​Our reporting has consistently tracked the evolution of sustainability topics over time. LifeGate's journey as a publisher began in 2000 with the launch of the LifeGate.it information network and LifeGate Magazine, promoting sustainable values and behaviors.Since 2015, we have expanded globally with the launch of LifeGate.com, the international version of our website, created by a distributed editorial team active across four continents.



Radio & Podcast

​LifeGate Radio broadcasts on FM at the following frequencies: Milan 101.7, Brescia and Lake Iseo 95.2, Verbania, part of northern Varese province, and Lake Maggiore 105.2. Thanks to DAB, the cities reached by LifeGate Radio have expanded. Today, you can listen to us in Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria, Trentino, Venice – Padua – Vicenza – Treviso, Udine, Tuscany, Lazio, Campania, Puglia, and Catania – Palermo.



Social Media

​Since 2010, we have been actively engaging across all social media platforms to maintain an open, daily, and direct dialogue with our community, sharing our articles through posts, images, podcasts, and videos. We consistently and distinctively maintain a presence on the major social networks to connect with younger generations—who are increasingly sensitive to sustainability issues and real agents of change—by speaking their language. To achieve this, we have initiated numerous collaborations with associations, NGOs, and movements.




​We create specialized newsletters on various topics to keep our users updated and informed about changes in the world of sustainability.
- LaNewsletter: Weekly sustainability news from around the world.
- IlClimatariano: A digest of perspectives on the climate crisis.
- Mediterranea: Insights and answers on food and nutrition.
- Pratica: Solutions and strategies for sustainable business.
- Evoluta: Topics related to animals and their rights.
These newsletters provide targeted, high-quality content tailored to the interests of our diverse audience.


Case studies

Strategic communication

​Develop a communication strategy with a strong and distinctive positioning.

​Sustainable Events

​Sustainability within everyone's reach with live events featuring outstanding guests.

​Brand communication

​A cross-media communication project to increase brand awareness.

Sustainable Communication

​Enhance sustainable positioning through stakeholder events and distinctive communication.