Migliorare il proprio rating di sostenibilità

The role of LifeGate

  1. Support in defining the 2021-2023 Sustainability Plan;
  2. Preparation of the Non-Financial Declaration in line with GRI Standards and inclusive of an appendix dedicated to Altamira under Spanish Law 11/2018;
  3. Stakeholder engagement activities for materiality analysis;
  4. Creative project ideation, editing and production of communication materials;
  5. Analysis and improvement of ESG ratings (MSCI, Sustainalytics, Vigeo Eiris);
  6. Environmental projects: multi-year adherence to the LifeGate Plasticless project, with the adoption of two devices for collecting plastic waste in the Port of Rome and the Municipality of Anzio.

Case studies

Our impact as told by our clients


How to make the sustainability report a real communication hub?

Advisory and strategy

How to reconcile market leadership and sustainable brand identity, involving the affiliate network?

Sustainability Consulting

How to make packaging a vehicle for sustainable communication?

Sustainability Strategy

How to improve your sustainability rating by meeting investor expectations?