Creating culture and promoting the consumption of EVO oil in Italy, increasing brand awareness among the public and improving the company’s sustainable positioning, which wanted to strengthen its credibility on the bio line towards the target of conscious consumers.
Creating culture and promoting the consumption of EVO oil in Italy, increasing brand awareness among the public and improving the company’s sustainable positioning, which wanted to strengthen its credibility on the bio line towards the target of conscious consumers.
We narrated Monini’s values with an ad hoc editorial plan, a press trip and a competition dedicated to GDO, which translated the company’s commitment into concrete action for the environment and biodiversity.
Raising public awareness about nutritional characteristics, health and cosmetic properties, economic relevance and false myths related to EVO oil, but also about the relationship between oil and environment, society and health was done with high-profile articles with a popular approach, all signed by LifeGate, often realized with contributions from experts in the academic, scientific and entrepreneurial fields. The video stories and interviews collected during the press tour in Gargano and then published on our network and LifeGate’s social pages allowed us to give visibility and prominence to Monini’s organic olive groves.
We narrated Monini’s values with an ad hoc editorial plan, a press trip and a competition dedicated to GDO, which translated the company’s commitment into concrete action for the environment and biodiversity.
Raising public awareness about nutritional characteristics, health and cosmetic properties, economic relevance and false myths related to EVO oil, but also about the relationship between oil and environment, society and health was done with high-profile articles with a popular approach, all signed by LifeGate, often realized with contributions from experts in the academic, scientific and entrepreneurial fields. The video stories and interviews collected during the press tour in Gargano and then published on our network and LifeGate’s social pages allowed us to give visibility and prominence to Monini’s organic olive groves.
I contenuti della rubrica dedicata pubblicati sul sito LifeGate hanno ottenuto oltre 100mila visualizzazioni, mentre la campagna social ne ha raggiunte oltre 700mila. I videoracconti del press tour sul Gargano hanno raggiunto invece quasi 120mila persone. È stato importante anche il beneficio, sia in termini di visibilità che di impatto ambientale, generato dal concorso “Le api e l’olio”: la campagna social ha raggiunto oltre 800mila persone e i partecipanti registrati sono stati oltre 1.200.
The contents of the dedicated column published on the LifeGate website obtained over 100,000 views, while the social campaign reached over 700,000. The video stories of the press tour in Gargano reached almost 120,000 people. The benefit generated by the “Bees and Oil” competition was also important, both in terms of visibility and environmental impact: the social campaign reached over 800,000 people and there were more than 1,200 registered participants.
Our impact as told by our clients
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How to make your commitment concrete and characterize marketing operations?
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How to develop environmental projects consistent with brand positioning?